I'm sick. Sick as in I have a cold and have completely lost my voice. Sick as in sick and fucking tired of humans in general. Sick as in mentally, though I won't go into that one any further at the moment, I'm just cranky/hormonal/emotional.
Check out journal entry:THURSDAY OCTOBER 20 2005 9:37 AM and you'll understand. I feel that way every. Single. Day. I don't like it here, and I am still, and will always be convinced that there is somewhere else I need to find. Grr. I need to take a nap.
Check out journal entry:THURSDAY OCTOBER 20 2005 9:37 AM and you'll understand. I feel that way every. Single. Day. I don't like it here, and I am still, and will always be convinced that there is somewhere else I need to find. Grr. I need to take a nap.

Hope you feel better soon.