I really need a new camera, I'd love to get some more pics on here soon, but unfortunately the only camera we own at the moment is this pitiful little digital camera that any picture you take of yourself with it makes you look like you're either 3 years old, or simply just causes EVERY SINGLE LITTLE spot/zit/blemish/scar just POP right out. Grar. Very discouraging. But, I suppose I'm still new enough to not have to worry about having a zillion pictures just yet.
In other news, we're going to have some people over tomorrow night, should be fun. I just hope I'm feeling better soon. Been very UBER emotional lately, I HATE the few hormonal days that happen a week before the 'really' hormonal days. I think they're worse to be honest. A week before you bleed, you fucking pop en egg, bloat, convince yourself you're fat because of how goddamned emotionally unstable you are, listen to Sarah McLachlan for 3 days and ball your eyes out. Ugg.
In other news, we're going to have some people over tomorrow night, should be fun. I just hope I'm feeling better soon. Been very UBER emotional lately, I HATE the few hormonal days that happen a week before the 'really' hormonal days. I think they're worse to be honest. A week before you bleed, you fucking pop en egg, bloat, convince yourself you're fat because of how goddamned emotionally unstable you are, listen to Sarah McLachlan for 3 days and ball your eyes out. Ugg.

Shitty cam or not, we would appreciate more pics of your beautiful self. You are very cute; sexy body and wonderful eyes.
34C is such a nice number