So... looks like I'll be working 6 days a week again... the new girl... the 16yo Norma hired not too long ago because her mother is a friend of Norma's, well, every shift she's had alone so far $20 cash has gone missing, and over the past 2 shifts there has been $40 worth of unaccounted voids rung through the register... which makes for $80 that we have proof she's taken. Grr. Little cunt. I asked her LAST night if any voids had been put through (I was trying to figure out what had happened to the first missing $20, we thought we'd give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she had just fucked up ((some more)) and she said no... and that nothing unusual had happened and she no idea what happened to the money. But Norma doen't want to fire her because of how weird it would be, being close friends with her mother and all, and I understand that... so Norma said to just make sure to tell her to keep ALL voids slips to matter what(something she was told you're to do ALWAYS anyways), and if theres more voids and no slips again, we'll be SURE SURE... for sure. Travis and I are going to make it painfully obvious that we know though, without coming right out and saying it, so that maybe she'll just quit to avoid getting in trouble and then Norma won't have to fire her.
In other news, I'm going to brutally murder the fucks who live above us.
And... I'm going to go eat a pomegranate now. *rubs tummy*
In other news, I'm going to brutally murder the fucks who live above us.

And... I'm going to go eat a pomegranate now. *rubs tummy*