So the other day my ex-manager from the pet store called me... she told me that they really need people and would I please come back and work there again... of course I was going to say no, seeing a how there was a reason, a very good reason I left: the screaming, swearing, temper-tantrum having, selfish, insecure, control freak, animal abusing, disgusting fucking psychotic...
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Getting the 2 hour outline of my very first tattoo done on the 9th. Can't stop thinking about it. Not going to tell anyone what it is, though even if I wanted to I couldn't tell you exactly what it's going to look like. I gave Chris at Scotia some pictures and very detailed 'written' description of what I want so it'll be a surprise...
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OMG! By the way, have you checked out Kai's set called "Pins and Wings"? It's fucking amazing. I freaked out and thought of you when I saw it. 

thank you 

So this stupid birthday (IT wasn't stupid, I just have a fiery hatred for them in general) was the best one in 5 years I think. Grandparents came down and them, my aunt, cousin, Jason and I went to supper. Next day... being the actual birthday started off shitty, but turned into quite a good day actually. My friends Librarygirl and her counterpart came over...
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well happy belated birthday dear

Happy Birthday- may many purple stones find their way to you...
Happy Birthday- may many purple stones find their way to you...

I just wanted to write that my snake passed away on tuesday the 27th. I'll write about the details another day. She was so wonderful.
I doubt I'll be writing anything for a little while, but I'll still be here seeing how everyone else is doing.
I doubt I'll be writing anything for a little while, but I'll still be here seeing how everyone else is doing.
sorry to hear about the snake. best luck in the new year

I'm sorry about your snake
Snakes are cool pets.
I grew up on a farm too. And for as badly as I wanted to get away from it when I was younger I now see how lucky I was.
Sadly in the city this is common. At least in this city. I know in all of the new developments they have "neighborhood associations" which have the power to take away your house and fine you 1000's if you don't comply with them. I was knocked on my ass shocked as shit when I first found out the city itself has these rules too and will jail you if don't comply. There is no place in this city you can get away from it. At least with the neighborhood associations you had to sign an agreement when you moved in. With these city ordinances I'm here like, I never agreed to this! A few years ago a guy went in to his neighborhood association meeting and opened fire killing a whole bunch of people. At the time I was shocked, now, while I wouldn't go that far, I COMPLETELY understand and honestly would have had a hard time finding him guilty had I been on his jury.

I grew up on a farm too. And for as badly as I wanted to get away from it when I was younger I now see how lucky I was.
Sadly in the city this is common. At least in this city. I know in all of the new developments they have "neighborhood associations" which have the power to take away your house and fine you 1000's if you don't comply with them. I was knocked on my ass shocked as shit when I first found out the city itself has these rules too and will jail you if don't comply. There is no place in this city you can get away from it. At least with the neighborhood associations you had to sign an agreement when you moved in. With these city ordinances I'm here like, I never agreed to this! A few years ago a guy went in to his neighborhood association meeting and opened fire killing a whole bunch of people. At the time I was shocked, now, while I wouldn't go that far, I COMPLETELY understand and honestly would have had a hard time finding him guilty had I been on his jury.
Life is punishment for something one of us did a long time ago... I am convinced. And if deep inside my own psyche is the only place I can seek refuge, then I would gladly live out the remainder of my existence lost deep somewhere in a coma. Whether fully aware I'm there or convinced it was now "reality" it wouldn't matter. It would still...
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thanks for posting on my journal
...well said
your entry confused me.. but its cool 

I like your profile picture too.

I've decided I really need some girl friends. Not necessarily girls for fuckage, but also girls for friends... and fuckage. GOD! I don't know what I want, I mean, I want girls for fuckage more than I want just friends, but I need friends too. Ok... so I need girl friends that are friends, but ALSO fuckage... make sense?? I have girlfriends that 'want' fuckage,...
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Yeah, me too 

Well, I was just inspired by a new friend to write about some things I've been trying to learn about. Perhaps some of you have seen "what the bleep do we know?" or read or heard of the book call "creative visualization". I love stuff like this, and I hope to learn more. I would love to learn about quantum physics too.
It's so neat......
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It's so neat......
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i like, i like!!! you sound inside of my head
i sit around and talk about things like this to myself becuase when i talk to my girlfriend she thinks im over reacting and sound crazy/paranoid. ive been telling people about that damn fluoride for years!!! did you know that its also used for mind control?? between that and the news/movies/video games, no wonder people are insane. And dont get me started on the drug companies, they want to get you addicted as well. the only reason they wont legalize weed is becuase most people would grow their own to smoke and they'd make no money off of it.
once again, interesting journal........

once again, interesting journal........
no problem, i love to hear when people have something interesting to say
Not sure what we're going to do today, it's sunday, so... obviously that means the day off. Or at least here it does, I know most places now have sunday shopping, but we're the last province to Canada to have retained the right to at least one guaranteed day off for all.
Anyways, so this means nothings ever open minus those downtown shop who choose...
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Anyways, so this means nothings ever open minus those downtown shop who choose...
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wanted to say hello and say that u r absolutely beautiful ... i love your photos ...
thank u very much for your comment ... it is something new and interesting that i believe i will try .... thanx ...
I'm sick. Sick as in I have a cold and have completely lost my voice. Sick as in sick and fucking tired of humans in general. Sick as in mentally, though I won't go into that one any further at the moment, I'm just cranky/hormonal/emotional.
Check out journal entry:THURSDAY OCTOBER 20 2005 9:37 AM and you'll understand. I feel that way every. Single. Day. I...
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Check out journal entry:THURSDAY OCTOBER 20 2005 9:37 AM and you'll understand. I feel that way every. Single. Day. I...
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Hope you feel better soon.

I really need a new camera, I'd love to get some more pics on here soon, but unfortunately the only camera we own at the moment is this pitiful little digital camera that any picture you take of yourself with it makes you look like you're either 3 years old, or simply just causes EVERY SINGLE LITTLE spot/zit/blemish/scar just POP right out. Grar. Very discouraging....
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Yeah, that week is pretty bad. I grew up with three sisters so I know the routine.
Shitty cam or not, we would appreciate more pics of your beautiful self. You are very cute; sexy body and wonderful eyes.
34C is such a nice number
Shitty cam or not, we would appreciate more pics of your beautiful self. You are very cute; sexy body and wonderful eyes.
34C is such a nice number

*Blushes insanely* Thank you.

Errr.. *cough* I mean, drugs are bad! and sex too! >.>'
Oh, and I just noticed your Fantasy... You can play me whenever you like!