I had a good day. Played with my girl, fixed my fence. Went to my grandparents for a cook out, and help my grandfather till up and plant his garden. Hard work, but gave me some one on one time with my grandfather and that made it all worth it. Oh and how can i forget playing with firework with my uncles and cousins. All around great day today, too bad i have to go back to work tom.
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Friday Jun 03, 2011
Hey been working back shift. Been so tire haven't been doing much of … -
Tuesday May 31, 2011
Boring day. Just work. Took my daughter to the doctor she has strep … -
Monday May 30, 2011
I had a good day. Played with my girl, fixed my fence. Went to my gra… -
Saturday May 28, 2011
My internet went down tues night. Finally just got it fixed. Been dy… -
Tuesday May 24, 2011
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Saturday May 21, 2011
Why cant i find a descent girl. everyone is evil and self considerate… -
Wednesday May 18, 2011
Just chillin playing god of war. Me and alayna went and did a little … -
Tuesday May 17, 2011
Just got off work. Getting ready to go out for a little while. Not r… -
Sunday May 15, 2011
just taking it easy today. i really don't want to go to work tom. bu… -
Saturday May 14, 2011
went to the danzig show in richmond, va it was awsome. if you have…