Why cant i find a descent girl. everyone is evil and self considerate. Id love to have a ltr but every girl i get with is evil. i guess i meant to be alone. so as i was told cheer up things could get worse , so i cheered up and sure enough things got worse. love yall
More Blogs
Monday Oct 31, 2011
Happy Halloween !!! Took the kid trick or treating and now having a … -
Sunday Oct 16, 2011
don't forget to watch the walking dead tonight. been waiting a whole… -
Wednesday Sep 28, 2011
hey, hows everybody doing? me, not so good. i have been having severe… -
Friday Sep 23, 2011
sorry haven't been on in awhile. nothing much has been going on. just… -
Sunday Aug 28, 2011
we lost power, cable, and internet during the storm. just got everyt… -
Friday Aug 26, 2011
getting prepared for the hurricane. got a half gallon of vodka and a … -
Saturday Aug 13, 2011
went to play in the magic booster. not enough people came so the tour… -
Saturday Aug 06, 2011
went and played in a magic booster draft tournament tonight. had a lo… -
Saturday Jul 30, 2011
hey, whats up sg land? i was supposed to go play in a mtg booster dra… -
Friday Jul 22, 2011
Hey, my restricted driving license is over. i can finally drive where…