Just chillin playing god of war. Me and alayna went and did a little food shopping. getting ready to get her ready for bed. yall have a great night
More Blogs
Monday Jul 11, 2011
it is hot as hell. my ac in my truck is broke. there is no escaping i… -
Tuesday Jul 05, 2011
hey whats up? I had a great holiday weekend. I did absolutely nothin… -
Wednesday Jun 29, 2011
Not much going on. Just working a lot. Been swimming every night with… -
Friday Jun 24, 2011
Ok, How goes it? Not much here. Hanging out having a couple of drinks… -
Thursday Jun 23, 2011
Yeah... not much to say. I live a boring life. Starting drawing a lit… -
Saturday Jun 18, 2011
had a good day bbq'd some chicken, hung with the kid. shes in bed sle… -
Friday Jun 17, 2011
everything is the same as usual, work, hanging with the kid and old s… -
Saturday Jun 11, 2011
Hey everyone ! How are yall tonight. I have been thinking about getti… -
Thursday Jun 09, 2011
Just a regular day today. Work, picked up my kid and at the house han… -
Wednesday Jun 08, 2011
so i try to help a friend with some plumbing(did plumbing for 4 years…