That said SG girls are whores with no job or talent... and that really pissed me off especially seeing other women jump in and slut shame other women for being nude models. So sick of seeing people hate on others for the life they life.
Yeah I hate the word "slut" it is a relic from an era when women were property and traded like sheep. The idea that a woman is devalued through sex or sexuality is from a time when fathers traded them for land and or cattle. It is an incredibly misogynistic and ancient idea... If a woman wasn't a virgin you couldn't sell or barter her into an arranged marriage. SG is an expression of female power over their bodies and sexuality! Fuck anyone who thinks a woman has less value because she has taken control of her own body/sexuality :D
The women on SG have decided to expressive themselves how they choose. This form of ART IS CALLED SELF EXPRESSIONISM! It has been a recognized form of art for many centuries. That is all there is to it. It does not make them whores, sluts, or anything else or label like that! They are women who deserve respect for what they do. If you do not like fine that is your right, but respect them keep your mouth shut and move the f__k on!