Hi I havent been on the site for a while as xmas and my little girls birthday seem to have taken over. Xmas not so bad I think it was over by about 8.30 after they opened their gifts, Boxing day was worse ( my mums a nurse so worked xmas day) my parents came up, god the amount of presents they brought made ours pale into insignificance. Any way stressful day none the less. Imagine a day where every thing you do as a parent doesnt matter any rules you have set are broken but because they are your parents you cant say anything, make up for a 4 year old, not a good idea, if it was proper makeup I wouldnt have minded but kids stuff, ergggh. It brought me out in a rash and I know it made my little girls eyes red ( not helped by the fact that her Nana let her do it herself!! (Who lets a 3 year old do it herself and not watch) me I was cooking dinner)