Desarae is passed out downstairs and I'm too lazy to do what I should be doing (cleaning, unpacking) so I guess that means its time for an update.
Kerry lost. I'll get over it in oh, about four years. This election is easier to take than the last. At least I can accept this one. I do believe that whoever wins the popular vote should be president and I guess this time it was Bush.
Hmm, or was it?
Moving is a bitch. I've been in my place for a couple of months now and its seems I'm never going to get done. Sure it would help if I actualy DID stuff, but who the hell wants to do that.
One problem is the TV. You see, I've never really had cable before. It's called being po'. Not sleeping in the street, but just two letters short of poor. But in my new place cable comes free with the rent, and I am in total awe. Reality shows on regular TV had me addicted but now they have a CARTOON reality show. Oh my gawd. And fuck, the history channel and the travel channel. I fell asleep last night watching a show about hidden treasures.
And then, they have the old(er) shows I love like Married with Children. I know its on a FOX owned channel, but I can't help it!
I am a slave to cable. I'm cables little bitch.
I feel happier away from the Hell hole (AKA my parents house). A huge fight it what sent me packing my bags. I really wasnt ready and the money I had saved was for a new car, but I couldnt take it anymore.
My mother has this obsession with causing me misery. I've decided the only thing to do is to cut off ties with her. It's going to be hard this holiday season, but I had the last of her when she tried to break my girlfriend and I up.
Can you believe she would tell Desarae things like "Don't trust Ley, when she gets mad she'll tell your secrets". Not true. But even if it was, why the fuck would she be saying that? Then an old BOYfriend from high school comes around after oh, SIX years, and my mother tells Desarae I was in love with him .Once again, not true.
I was in fucking HIGH SCHOOL at the time I dated this guy and we were basicaly FRIENDS. We never had sex, and I didnt even want to go to prom with him. To this day I've still never fucked a guy, and you know what, I never will. If I wanted a man, Id be with a man. It sucks having to constantly defend and prove your sexuality. Of course I have nothing to prove to anyone. Take me for what and who I am, or take it straight to hell.
But thats not enough for my mother, so she goes and tells Desarae "I know you like to drink and party and Ley doesnt, but you should be able to do what you want". Ummm, excuse me? I don't see her or my stepfather going out and partying, getting drunk, and leaving eachother behind. It's about respect, trust, and wanting to be together.
She doesnt know that Desarae has had problems with drinking and narcotics. She needs to stay out of this. Besides, at this point in our relationship, we like to be together, its actualy FUN for us. Cant we fucking enjoy that?
My mother needs to get over the fact that I have girlfriend, and leave us alone. She says she not "sure" of my sexuality, but you know I kind of thought that its my god damn sexuality and if theres any sexuality she needs to be concerned about its her own!
Ok, Im getting mad now. Its time for this update to simmer down.
Kerry lost. I'll get over it in oh, about four years. This election is easier to take than the last. At least I can accept this one. I do believe that whoever wins the popular vote should be president and I guess this time it was Bush.
Hmm, or was it?
Moving is a bitch. I've been in my place for a couple of months now and its seems I'm never going to get done. Sure it would help if I actualy DID stuff, but who the hell wants to do that.
One problem is the TV. You see, I've never really had cable before. It's called being po'. Not sleeping in the street, but just two letters short of poor. But in my new place cable comes free with the rent, and I am in total awe. Reality shows on regular TV had me addicted but now they have a CARTOON reality show. Oh my gawd. And fuck, the history channel and the travel channel. I fell asleep last night watching a show about hidden treasures.
And then, they have the old(er) shows I love like Married with Children. I know its on a FOX owned channel, but I can't help it!
I am a slave to cable. I'm cables little bitch.
I feel happier away from the Hell hole (AKA my parents house). A huge fight it what sent me packing my bags. I really wasnt ready and the money I had saved was for a new car, but I couldnt take it anymore.
My mother has this obsession with causing me misery. I've decided the only thing to do is to cut off ties with her. It's going to be hard this holiday season, but I had the last of her when she tried to break my girlfriend and I up.
Can you believe she would tell Desarae things like "Don't trust Ley, when she gets mad she'll tell your secrets". Not true. But even if it was, why the fuck would she be saying that? Then an old BOYfriend from high school comes around after oh, SIX years, and my mother tells Desarae I was in love with him .Once again, not true.
I was in fucking HIGH SCHOOL at the time I dated this guy and we were basicaly FRIENDS. We never had sex, and I didnt even want to go to prom with him. To this day I've still never fucked a guy, and you know what, I never will. If I wanted a man, Id be with a man. It sucks having to constantly defend and prove your sexuality. Of course I have nothing to prove to anyone. Take me for what and who I am, or take it straight to hell.
But thats not enough for my mother, so she goes and tells Desarae "I know you like to drink and party and Ley doesnt, but you should be able to do what you want". Ummm, excuse me? I don't see her or my stepfather going out and partying, getting drunk, and leaving eachother behind. It's about respect, trust, and wanting to be together.
She doesnt know that Desarae has had problems with drinking and narcotics. She needs to stay out of this. Besides, at this point in our relationship, we like to be together, its actualy FUN for us. Cant we fucking enjoy that?
My mother needs to get over the fact that I have girlfriend, and leave us alone. She says she not "sure" of my sexuality, but you know I kind of thought that its my god damn sexuality and if theres any sexuality she needs to be concerned about its her own!
Ok, Im getting mad now. Its time for this update to simmer down.

Happy birthday chick!