I went to see that movie "Saved" today. Oh LORD was it FUNNY.

Considering how easily I'm bored, I'm usualy not one for movies, but sometimes I get on a kick. There are so many good ones out now. I even went ***wild*** and bought a refillable cup, and saved my popcorn bag for a free refill next time.

Something amazing has happened since I...
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"Saved"? I dontl know if I've heard of it. Who's in it? and what's it about?

I'm a movie guy myself... I spend way too much time watching movies.

I always pray to the butter gods when I have the clerk squirt my butter (flavored oil) "please more, please more, a little more, YES!YES!YES!". And now, the power is mine. WOW!

that was kind of arousing... eeek

I've never been one for buttered popcorn myself, even before I went vegan, Im a salt kinda guy ARRR!!!

frown Why's your life hell?

Life is not allowed to be hell for you when you have such an awesome butt!

[Edited on Jun 22, 2004 5:01PM]

Haha, the trailer for Saved is great. I'm gonna have to see it for sure.
Ok, I'm like ***soooo*** over psycho girl (ok, and if not, I can pretend right?). I havent been able to do much lately. I think I lost about 5 pounds last week, which is alright I guess since I've been pigging out the past two days on chicken and ice cream. You think I'd save myself some time and just get chicken flavored ice cream,...
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((hug)) it'll get better
Here's a toast to Massachusetts. May all states follow your lead... but probably not. In fact, they'll just go backwards. Screw the toast, let's all get drunk. puke
haha well, thanks for your vote of 'confidence'? I really appreciate it. and it's funny because I am naturally attracted to very short girls, which is rather convenient for me, but short girls ALWAYS like huge, tall guys frown So, it sucks and I end up dating a girl taller than me and looking stupid or having a girl be AS tall as me and having it look weird in it's own way as well. I've never 69'ed believe it or not..all the girls I've dated either won't give head, or won't let you go down on them..so in essence, I've never had a girl that'd allow both..let alone at the same time! tongue I'm sure I'll find someone someday, the question is..who? will I be settling? and most importantly when?
I'm drinking Russian Vodla as I attempt t p tu[e teis mesage smile
I have developed one HELL of a Urinary Tract Infection. Im constantly in the bathroom to piss just a teaspoon, and there are bears clawing at my bladder.

I went to Walgreens to buy some Uristat, and when I got to the isle it was ALL OUT. I asked the lady if she had any in the back, and she said they didnt. Of course...
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Well I was thinking in June but now I have to much $ to spend in July so thats out so now probably end of Aug.

I dont know, my friends hate me for never coming home........then again I hae them for never coming here.
Hi. I read your post in the LGBTQ thread, and just wanted to say that your words were very thought-provoking and written very well.



Pics of Ley Only
You are a beautiful girl with a rocking natural bod. If I was a girl, I would totally try to date you! (-:
Thanks for showing your pictures. Would love to see more of higher resolution. You are way to cute to be pixilated!
There are piranhas in my pelvis and they are biting their way out. Here's a fucking toast to bladder infections puke
Saying hey cause well you are from Brighton and I am too, and its not everyday you see someone well from there.
hey, you can't share an account. i don't care, but if the higher ups find out they will boot you. just letting you know. wink
Why is it that we feel justified in treating our family like crap, but if some "outsider" does, you want to kick their ass?

One of my brothers stalkers called my moms house and called my mom a bitch. Now granted, my mom can be a bitch, a really big one. But how dare she say that?

My mother went over to the little girls...
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Not really into journaling at the moment, but I 'spose i better leave something for those nosey people that might poke around hereshocked Neh, never mind.