does anyone wanna go on a date with me? i have a boyfriend so it's completely friend like, but i'll buy you flowers and chocolates and pay for dinner and if you really need convincing a kitten with a bow round it's neck, we'll have a horse drawn carriage ride i'll tell you that your the most beautiful thing i've evr seen and i'll walk you home, kiss you on the cheek and bid you goodnight
in other news, i'm book marking all the best looking people on suicide girls, it's a list of the beautiful people.
i'm very lonely today, the bf gone
i miss him, my bed's too big without him snoring and rolling about like a mad man, i'm even missing cuddle's i'm not a very tactal person, but i'm missing his touch now, last night i put on his biggest shirt to sleep in, i'm so angry he has left me, come back
my rat slept in my bed last night
i've changed my piercings around, now it's the side of my lip, nose, rarther than labret and nose
when i have ever felt real low, it has alway's been animals not people who have saved me and that's why i'm a vegatarian, they help me through rough stuff and in return i don't eat them
my boyfriend eats meat,
me and him are soooooooo opposite
me:blonde hair, green eyes
him:black hair, blue eyes
me:completely neurotic
him:completely down to earth
me:hippie, save the animals, love trees type
him:modern, suit
me:city gal
him:country boi
him:home lover
we could be a sitcom
i wish you could all have a mansfield
make him come back
my flat's sooooooooo dirty there's gin and razor blades everywere, make up dirty plates, ugh i'm minging it would all be o.k if i had had some mad fucked up makeup/food/suicide party but i have'nt i'm just dirty
i want to be in a band, i wanna, i wanna, i wanna, let me be in yours, if i was a sg you'd let me or if i was swedish and had one green eye and one pale blue, or if a smelt/sounded/looked/dressed better
or if i had a talent or actually ever left my house.
do you know what, it's a crime no one reads my journals i'm so funny, i just make myself laugh.

in other news, i'm book marking all the best looking people on suicide girls, it's a list of the beautiful people.
i'm very lonely today, the bf gone

i've changed my piercings around, now it's the side of my lip, nose, rarther than labret and nose
when i have ever felt real low, it has alway's been animals not people who have saved me and that's why i'm a vegatarian, they help me through rough stuff and in return i don't eat them
my boyfriend eats meat,

me and him are soooooooo opposite
me:blonde hair, green eyes
him:black hair, blue eyes
me:completely neurotic
him:completely down to earth
me:hippie, save the animals, love trees type
him:modern, suit
me:city gal
him:country boi
him:home lover
we could be a sitcom

i wish you could all have a mansfield

my flat's sooooooooo dirty there's gin and razor blades everywere, make up dirty plates, ugh i'm minging it would all be o.k if i had had some mad fucked up makeup/food/suicide party but i have'nt i'm just dirty
i want to be in a band, i wanna, i wanna, i wanna, let me be in yours, if i was a sg you'd let me or if i was swedish and had one green eye and one pale blue, or if a smelt/sounded/looked/dressed better

do you know what, it's a crime no one reads my journals i'm so funny, i just make myself laugh.
You don't have to worry about the stuff you said in your journal though.
Apparently I'm being dragged out to Torquay next weekend.
awwwww yeah, what ild give ...*dreams*