god destroyed my faith in humanity, by letting people create myspace, if there was any time for a all mighty smight of ritual fuck you's it was then, but he didn't there was no almighty rain cloud, or beasty flying bugs, he just let it carry on
you have forsaken me,
hahaha if you love god, your never going to like me, sorry, but you know you god types like forgiving harlots, i'll repent one day,
don't tell me i'm going to hell, i don't care.
this is amaya she's one of my limbo girl's of the week
and this is ari
attractive people make me sick
i'm now off to find attractive men and coaxing them into putting me on some sort of thread to make myself feel better
kiss kiss to all the people who are not listening

hahaha if you love god, your never going to like me, sorry, but you know you god types like forgiving harlots, i'll repent one day,
don't tell me i'm going to hell, i don't care.

this is amaya she's one of my limbo girl's of the week

and this is ari
attractive people make me sick
i'm now off to find attractive men and coaxing them into putting me on some sort of thread to make myself feel better
kiss kiss to all the people who are not listening

aaawwww i was ur limbo girl of the week?
thats fuckin awesome ^^
ur so cuuute