This has been a strange week. I had an interview with another production company and it went really well, so well that I'm having to make a really difficult decision, one I thought would be really easy. Do I go with the big, well-known, gonna get me a kick-ass job later, but be stress ful as fuck place? Or go with the really small, chill, down to Earth, get your hands dirty, not ever get you a paying job later but so much fucking fun place?
OOOOOhhhhhh tough choice. Do I be punk Lexi, or smart Lexi? I have till Monday to decide. Any advice or input, would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I CANT READ ANY OF COMMENTS! why? nobody seems to know and nobody at suicide girls will get back to me, so if you really care, which I know you do, e-mail me, it would mean a lot.
OOOOOhhhhhh tough choice. Do I be punk Lexi, or smart Lexi? I have till Monday to decide. Any advice or input, would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I CANT READ ANY OF COMMENTS! why? nobody seems to know and nobody at suicide girls will get back to me, so if you really care, which I know you do, e-mail me, it would mean a lot.
[Edited on Jan 28, 2006 9:55AM]