Whether you pay attention or not: I started interning at Indie 103.1 in Los Angeles. Its an awesome station. I have the privaledge of working with Joe Escalante (the vandals) and Jonesy (sex pistols). They're both very kool and the entire staff so far has been really chill. It was my second day today and I was graced with the visit of Luke Wilson on the morning show. He had to pee the whole time he was on the show. haha sucka...
much love,
Whether you pay attention or not: I started interning at Indie 103.1 in Los Angeles. Its an awesome station. I have the privaledge of working with Joe Escalante (the vandals) and Jonesy (sex pistols). They're both very kool and the entire staff so far has been really chill. It was my second day today and I was graced with the visit of Luke Wilson on the morning show. He had to pee the whole time he was on the show. haha sucka...
much love,
Be me friend?