If you could take a minute or two and open your hearts to read this, We are raising money for my nephew Gino Andre Buchholz-Ale who at the age of 22 has recently been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Him and his familys stress started from being told that the rental property in gladstone that Gino his partner Iesha and their 4 and a half year old son Tiiryce live in has been sold and they need to be out on the 22nd of December 2018 two days before Christmas, to finding out that while they have been in Brisbane someone has tried to break into their home a numerous amount of times. As they have been struggling financially they bought their beautiful little family down here to Brisbane for work along side of having to look after Ieshas mother who has only just recovered from a stroke. Gino found himself unfit and unwell to work long days as symptoms slowly seen him being drained. Their family were travelling to be with her mother on the 30th of September as they encounter a car accident which left them doctors and lawyer appointments. If it wasnt for their car accident they wouldn't have known his sickness now. It's safe to say their lives have been turn upside down and they are struggling to keep there heads above water. Before his chemo started the pair wished to be wed before he got to sick to be able to stand at the alter. Due to his fragile body and his situation the doctors have rushed his chemo treatments ( they started on monday). We are trying our hardest not only to have their belongings removed from their rental to a safe enclosure but to help them finacially take care of bills and fulfill his dreams of being wed to the women of his dreams within the next week. All funds will go to all wedding costs which will sadly have to take place in hospital grounds and remaining funds to their bills and removing of their belongings from there home. Any donation will be gratefully appreciated Fuck cancer