With regards to the profile reorganisation, I said in this thread on the SG Everything board:
Lexiphanic said:
On the other hand, has anyone considered the possibility that this might be a step or two towards us being able to give us more control over our own layout in a potential v4.5 or v5.0 of SG?
I envision a modular layout that allows us to put our testimonials below the groups and comments at the top of that column. Or perhaps our last 5 photos (a la flickr badge style). Or our list of fave SGs, or our top 5 friends in a vertical format.
A quick look at the source seems to suggest that there's potential for it as things are organised very modularly on that level already (in my opinion, which may also be a monkey's opinion).
and then also later in the same thread:
Lexiphanic said:
Joanne said:
Vanessa said:
I want to reach through my screen, grab things and organize them in a proper manner.
that would be pretty badass. drag n drop profiles!
Actually, this isn't at all impossible. I'm tempted to think that perhaps this is something they might have planned for a v4.5 or v5.0.
The different boxes (Groups, Testimonials, Comments) are just blocks of code anyway. So why not be able to edit their order or move them around slightly? Naturally there will be some restrictions, but choosing what appears and what doesn't is a really great piece of customisation for users.
For example, what about a box with your 5 faves of something? Like Top 5 SGs, or friends, or fave pics, or the last 5 pics you posted in your profile (this almost seems like a given to me at this stage) -- sort of like a flickr badge.
Or the next 5 events you're anticipating attending (like the SGOC sunday brunch, and then a gig ... etc).
There are lots of possibilities. And I'm sure people would love the customisation.
I make similar mentions in an SGAU group thread, too (twice on page 11 of the random convo thread for those that are curious).
Anyway, my point is I was right. Sean said right here:
Sean said:
Hello! We are sorry some of you are not excited about the new profile pages, but this is an intermediate step to allow you to customize the "main" tab of the profile page. The purpose was to remove the profile strip from below the tabs and put it above the tab. THis is important for our future customization.
We are not going to change anything about the "main" tab at this time, as we are preparing to allow you to customize it yourself, but all profile type information will now live up in the top section above the main profile tabs.
This, of course, doesn't change the other issues with regards to privacy and the profile tabs, but Sean does go on to say that they'll be changing some of that stuff based on user feedback next week.
And before someone else says it, yes, I know nobody likes a smart arse.
I spend way too much time on the computer, and using computer based programs compared to original mediums. It's only when I go away that I force myself to go back to basics.