Been feeling very creative lately. Not sure why but in any case I'm never able to follow through with this sort of thing. So I get lots of good ideas but I don't do anything about them.
- I came up with a cool idea for customisable spectacle frames.
- I've been fiddling with the idea of tracing photographs of people and using them for other purposes as line-art; or converting them to anime/manga characters. I played around with this idea once many years ago but the tools that are available now are a lot better.
- Fashion for men: there is nothing decent in men's fashion anymore. It's all the same old stuff rehashed in different colours.
- I heart the new What's Zo Wearing? feature in SG News, and I'd love to see something done for blokes, following that same sort of fashion style. I've been scouring the internet for the last day or so trying to find anything that kinda relates but I'm coming up short. I don't want cyber/raver, or goth/punk/skater, it's something different to that - slightly more refined. I've even been looking at anime/manga stuff to get a bit of inspiration. If anyone sees anything, let me know.
- On that anime/manga topic, I'm thinking of dying my hair and "reshaping" it into something insane.
Ironically, I have some personal creative web projects I should be working on (like the "hidden" blog I mentioned last week) that I've paid no attention to whatsoever in this latest self-manifesting acid reflux of creativity.
I feel disorganised.
Oh! And I changed my profile image. First time I've changed it. As with the last one, I don't look like that anymore really.
EDIT: I just found this. I want one desperately. It's awesome:

- I came up with a cool idea for customisable spectacle frames.
- I've been fiddling with the idea of tracing photographs of people and using them for other purposes as line-art; or converting them to anime/manga characters. I played around with this idea once many years ago but the tools that are available now are a lot better.
- Fashion for men: there is nothing decent in men's fashion anymore. It's all the same old stuff rehashed in different colours.
- I heart the new What's Zo Wearing? feature in SG News, and I'd love to see something done for blokes, following that same sort of fashion style. I've been scouring the internet for the last day or so trying to find anything that kinda relates but I'm coming up short. I don't want cyber/raver, or goth/punk/skater, it's something different to that - slightly more refined. I've even been looking at anime/manga stuff to get a bit of inspiration. If anyone sees anything, let me know.
- On that anime/manga topic, I'm thinking of dying my hair and "reshaping" it into something insane.
Ironically, I have some personal creative web projects I should be working on (like the "hidden" blog I mentioned last week) that I've paid no attention to whatsoever in this latest self-manifesting acid reflux of creativity.
I feel disorganised.
Oh! And I changed my profile image. First time I've changed it. As with the last one, I don't look like that anymore really.

EDIT: I just found this. I want one desperately. It's awesome:

What on earth would you do to your hair? I'm seeing a really, really angled cut. Sharp and textured.
Have a great weekend!
On creativity: Have you played around with flash? You can import an image and two seconds it will be a line drawing.
I like your new picture. Interseting. Why not post a picture that reflects you now?
Oh, and 'MangaHead' by Garnier .. actually works.