There are actually 2 experiences in my past which have shaped me to who I am today. The first happened about 4 years ago, I moved away from my abusive mother and went to live at my boyfriends (current). After about 2 weeks of intense drinking and having so many break downs, i pulled myself together. After a while my BF realized that I was in a bad place so he took me to the doctors. I was diagnosed with Major Depression, my doctor was lovely telling me I was a good person and that I was worth living. so i received treatment. However, the start of the treatment was the hardest. When put onto anti depressants, fatigue is the most common symptom and depending on everyone's body it could take months to get used to the medication before fatigue is no longer a symptom. For me, it took six months. That was six months of sleeping roughly 20 - 22 hours a day. In that time, I lost many friends who were unable to understand my situation. They couldn't understand why I never wanted to go anywhere or why I was always so tired and moody. The part that broke my heart was that these were the friends I would drop everything for and coming running to help them no matter what the situation was, but to realize that they couldn't do the same for me, my heart shattered to pieces. This experience made me stop caring about what others thought about me and now I only go to the effort for those who can return the love. However, this doesn't mean I am not kind to strangers.
The second experience was when I broke my leg 3 years ago. this experience was AWFUL! This was no normal break, but shin bone had been eaten away by osteomylitis (infection). I wasn't able to walk for about 6 months then it was walking a little for 2 months before I was encouraged to start walking as much as I could. During that time I gained ALOT of weight, I went from about 43kgs to 76.5 kgs. I suffered from intense back pain from a slight alteration in length in my leg which affected the rest of my body. Eventually I learnt from the Physio that I needed to strengthen my muscles, I ended up losing weight and got into weight lifting which helped immensely. Now exercise and workouts don't just help my back but also helps my mental health, it keeps me stable and keeps away my anxiety. Now health and fitness has become a passion and I love it!
ps. at this moment I am struggling with my health and struggling with energy levels but I am slowly getting back into my usual routine. :)