I MADE MY APPOINTMENT!!! in 2 weeks I'll have my musical notes on my left wrist!!!
The only poohy part is that Esthetically and tatoo-ically the scale bars won't really be an option, too much detail tooo close together and it'll bleed...SO my options were no scale bars at all just notes(hwich to me would be a likttle silly) or to have the scale bars...
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EEEEEeeeeeeEeee!!! COOL! I'm so excited for you! Sounds like a really neat tattoo, I know what you mean about the scale bars showing through. Are the notes from a song?
I'm getting a tattoo soon too..but I havn't actually made an appointment yet. Kevin is even concidering getting a tattoo (which is like woa if you know him haha)
Make sure you post pictures when it's done!!
Oh shocked That's a really good quote...I like that you are doing it in notes.. makes it sort of special I think.. because well yeah it's from a song. But people also arn't going to know what it means untill they ask. Cool! After reading this blog I got back on the road of planning my next tattoo. Now you've got me all excitedtongue lol
SO I am going after work to get an appointment booked for my next tattoo!!! YAY!!
I've been wanting this one for like almost a year but never felt I was stable enough to afford a 4th one...well today I don't caremy incometax return came in last week and so there! I'm going tongue
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
ooo aaa
Just make sure you take a big long toke and make it worthwhile. wink I hope your week is going well and thanks for the compliments...talk to you soon, sweetie!
So I just got back from Theset and counting heartbeats! SOOO GOOOD. Did I mention instument playing is HAWT>!>!>!>!> YUM wink tongue
You are welcome and i am glad I could be your random man! Hope your weekend is going well and yes, instruments are indeed hot. wink
Well I'm back from my Mom's house, and I was accepted in to the application part of SG....but now I'm nervous, and a little unsure if I wanna be naked for every body to see...GAH so not sure eeek
hehe thanks for the comment ^^ I bet you'll make an AMAZING SG!! I'm sure of it! smile And yes, you really do have to think about if you want people to see you naked... you really have to think about if you want this to be with you for the rest of your life. They won't take sets down after your gone, but I doubt it will ruin anything. Confidence is the most important thing to think about. If you are confident and happy about your body, then go for it!
if you do decide you want to be pink good luck!
Haha ha well I finally bought a subscription...well one month anyways....thats all I can afford right now...well I can't REALLY even afford that but whatever, I'm young I'm supposed to be non-smart with my moneys

So anyways...um...HI miao!!
ello and welcome
Welcome, welcome!... skull