I MADE MY APPOINTMENT!!! in 2 weeks I'll have my musical notes on my left wrist!!!
The only poohy part is that Esthetically and tatoo-ically the scale bars won't really be an option, too much detail tooo close together and it'll bleed...SO my options were no scale bars at all just notes(hwich to me would be a likttle silly) or to have the scale bars show through the gaps in the notes, if that makes sence? So where ever there's a gap between notes the scale bar will show through so you'll still see what the notes actually ARE! LOL YAY!!!!
The only poohy part is that Esthetically and tatoo-ically the scale bars won't really be an option, too much detail tooo close together and it'll bleed...SO my options were no scale bars at all just notes(hwich to me would be a likttle silly) or to have the scale bars show through the gaps in the notes, if that makes sence? So where ever there's a gap between notes the scale bar will show through so you'll still see what the notes actually ARE! LOL YAY!!!!

I'm getting a tattoo soon too..but I havn't actually made an appointment yet. Kevin is even concidering getting a tattoo (which is like woa if you know him haha)
Make sure you post pictures when it's done!!