Today's art is by Michigan artist Ayla Z. The original is hanging in my living room; if I had to guess I'd say it's about 16x20. I actually have a few of her pieces, though the others are all drawings. I love her work because she does a lot of funky, sort of abstract nudes, which is what I grew up around. When I was a kid, I was embarrassed to have friends come in the front door to our house, because that meant they had to go through the living room and dining room. That's where my parents had the bulk of their nekkid art. We lived down the street from a modern art museum, and they regularly brought home pieces with nude women. There were paintings, drawing, prints and statues featuring more tits and ass than any grade school student should have to face. Now I fully appreciate it, but at the age of seven I was mortified. So, my friends came in the back door and I tried my hardest to keep them out of the front of the house. Not that I want anything to happen to my parents, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't already trying to figure out how to work their stuff in with my current collection. Considering that the collection will double when Amanda moves in next month, that's a tall order!

Amanda is so fabulous! Once I was rolling in ATL and stopped in this convenience store for water. They had these posters of her up, photos by Lachapelle. I told them all about it. They didn't know she used to be a man. Then a homeless man sang be and my then significant other a song about lovers in love who are higher than high. It was amazing.
Edited to add:
Lovely painting! Funny how things change as you age.
[Edited on Mar 13, 2005 4:39PM]