More art today... this time it's one I don't own. I'm not even sure if I want to own it--it might freak me out if I saw it in the middle of the night. It's called "The Burden of Her Memories" and it's one of my favorites by Ray Caesar. The first time I saw it I thought it was hideous, but I was fascinated and couldn't stop thinking about it. Now I appreciate it for its artistic merit and what I think is the deeper meaning, as well as for the ick factor. I feel it's sort of appropriate to share this today because my head is full of so many things that are wanting closure, and it's also so weird and stuffy from my cold that I feel like it's twice the size it should be.

ooh i likey.
Thanks for the comment. Jinxi and I would love to come to Philly. We are planning on taking a few trips after our escrow closes. Maybe Philly will be one of them. It looks like it would be fun there. I am sure we would have a blast and would love to buy a drink. It is officially on the list of places to go. If Jinxi has her way it will probably be very high on the list, why you ask, because you are so damn RAD. Take care.