I don't usually like to update my journals without a picture or two to post. I think it just makes it more entertaining that way. Who wants to listen to me babble on and on anyways? Not meeee.
As i'm sure anyone that has read my journal within the past week has noticed, I havent been doing too wonderful. Words have found their way into my heart and won't escape. I can't stop playing Mer De Noms. The album has found a way back into my life at the most awkward of times. Making me re-live things over again that I best soon have forgotten..
Words have left my heart open, allowing for a body to make his way back into my heart. I am unsure as to how I feel regarding this. I'm still trying to decide whether or not my heart should repel him. He has put me thru a lot in the past, and still continues to do so. And yet, I have grown too strong to let his words blind me.. We shall see what comes of this.
I leave for home this coming Thursday, the 16th. I can hardly contain my excitement for such a.. mundane journey back home. My Aunt had her baby last week. It has had a few problems with breathing, but is starting to stabilize. She had a baby girl, and named her Haley. Shes the tiniest little thing, I can't wait to pinch her. Or perhaps eat her
Friday night I had an appointment to get the linework done on two of my new tattoos. So, of course I did that. It went fine.. It hurt very little to my surprise. As the backs of your arms can be a tender spot to be inked at. I shall have pictures once they are healed and not so.. disgusting.
Saturday night I ran into a bunch of SG lovelies at High Five. I wasn't being overly socialable, and I do apologize for that if you saw me there. It was a rough week.
Tonight I did a very small amount of christmas shopping. I picked up a small gift for myself, as I have been searching everywhere for this beauty. I bought The Weather Underground on DVD. Oh how excited I am to watch this again.. I just know I have to wait until i'm calm, or else I will become quite enthralled and enraged by this movie. As it has happened several times before.
I also found a teenage mutant ninja turtle watch at Wal-Mart. I had to buy two.. One for me and one for my brother. Ohhh yeah.
Lately i've been trying to decide what I want to do once I return from christmas break, as I don't think I shall be going to this school for much longer. I'm quite sure I will be looking for an apartment, and taking the semester off.. We shall see though. Anyone know of any decent apartments located downtown or campus area? I am without transportation and would like to be within walking distance of a place of employment.
Lets see if I have a question of the day for you lovelies..
If you could be any kind of cereal what would you be? with or without milk?
or else right now you are thinking, geez, i want my freedom of being away back.
one or the other, im sure. or maybe something else.
maybe you have been drinking for a couple of hours, and singing along to some crazy album, like michael jackson's thriller.
i believe i am getting drunk. horray!