But I never quite feel like my age.
I often forget I can post clothed photos on here. I mean, why have a shirt on when you can see some nipple instead?
It's strange for me to think that 2013 is coming to a close. I recently went through some old photos I have hanging around from 2006-2008. I'm not quite sure what I was doing with myself, let alone my life, back then but I'm hardly recognizable to myself. I see the photo, I acknowledge it's me, but beyond that I can't relate to the girl staring back at me.
For one, shaved eyebrows? I spent a fortune on eyebrow pencils. I also apparently never ate and didn't have any boobs to speak of. I still dress in all black and give myself at home haircuts.
In my own way I'll be saying goodbye to the year that's passed. A lot of ups, but mostly mid level downs.
An up. I started my own business and it's taken off. I have another more creative side business I run in my spare time and am completely self sufficient without having to rely on a salaried paycheck or taking orders from "the man".
A down. The love of my life was diagnosed with chronic heart failure and she's on heavy medication daily to stabilize her. She's been with me since she was but a tiny baby that fit in my hand. Every day I'm blessed I still have her in my life.
Another down. I lost my sex drive somewhere around 8 months ago. If found please return to me.
An up. I caught the tattoo bug and haven't stopped.
And a down. I've felt isolated and generally at a lose of self most of the year.
How about an up? I'm still breathing, tomorrow is another day, and time will keep moving whether you want it to or not.