okies well i'm officially 16 weeks preggo i find out what im having in a month.. life is going pretty good lately minus all the hospital visits ive done in the last week because my family has decided they would all get seriously sick and one person decides to try and walk through deaths door only to be yanked back... other than all of that my relationship is doing sooooooooo much better and he is going above and beyond to prove what kind of man he is capable of being.. the boys are getting huge and so am i lol... i decided to home school my preschool boys as most of the preschools around here bite ass and i can do a thousand percent better than they can... jacob's speech is getting better the more i work with him the more the baby talk goes away and he is speaking alot clearer.. but i gotta go finish making lunch so thisis all for now... 

Whatever. We came back to see you.