well what a fucking week...... it started REALLY GOOD and then turned to shit the next day then been ok rest of the week.
lets see.... Sunday.... well lets back up a little farther. thursday night I want to a Munch (BDSM dinner) with some friends and Me and nina meet this wonderful lady named Darlene. well Darlene and nina got very aquainted with each other right there in the resturant/bar. they ended up kissing alot right at the table. the best part was looking at them kissing and then looking up at some guy getting an eye full from the bar till he noticed that I was looking at him looking at the girls. well they exchanged numbers and emails with promises to get in touch. well low and behold sunday night she came over here to the house after many converstaions with nina. she was dressed in a black p-leather dress with red frilly shit. and knee-cap high boots.
OMG I really liked her outfit. well after a little bit her and nina got very comfortable with each other and I got to play "japanese tourist on vacation" 
then they included Me in and still took more pics. man there were bodies and camera flashes all over the place. 151 pictures and 4 hours later we ate a late night dinner and went to bed around 1:30am. well I woke up with My alarm at 3:30am and Me and nina went into the extra bedroom and "woke" her up
boy was I dragging ass at work monday but it WAS WORTH IT!!!!
then Monday while at work I got a call from My bank asking Me if I was in Missouri over the weekend. apparently I got frauded for $659. then.... the brand new Nextel phone I have... well it ended up into a 5 gallon bucket of oil/tar paint we use for blacking out lines on the roads. UUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH well I got it out got it cleaned off with the help of My co-workers and it still worked except 2 keys. and stupid Me I never got the insurance. luckly one of the flaggers told Me that he could sell Me the same phone for $30. figured what the hell so he brought it in for Me tuesday after I went to the bank and got all My money back in My account. so finally things working out back to normal.
the rest of the week was ok except today... its raining out so I drove up to work just to hang out for couple hours till checks were avalible.
when I got home I got good/bad news. one of My ex-girlfriends has a little girl that we have both thought was mine but I still had a 1% doubt in My mind that she isnt. well.... paternity test results.... 99.99% shes Mine. Im happy about this but I know now her mother is going to want Me to spend $$$$$$ in child support for her. she wants more than what I pay now for My 2 boys. but I have to fight all this in court first.
and to this coming weekend....... some friends of Mine have invited Me and nina to join them at a Volunter's party for Black Rose. its big BDSM event outside DC. there will be plenty of kinksters to watch and maybe even have a few watch Me and nina do our thing too. Saturday marks 6 months since I collared her and made her My girl.
well enough for now.. sure your tired of reading about My life. what about yours???
btw Im so sorry to see Industrial Pet and Original Thought leave the site.
went out friday night with oldskoolpat to the "Classic" here in Dover. OMG we had a fucking blast. My girl was being wild as usual. hell nina even ran into one of her old school mates who was a stripper!!
lets see.... Sunday.... well lets back up a little farther. thursday night I want to a Munch (BDSM dinner) with some friends and Me and nina meet this wonderful lady named Darlene. well Darlene and nina got very aquainted with each other right there in the resturant/bar. they ended up kissing alot right at the table. the best part was looking at them kissing and then looking up at some guy getting an eye full from the bar till he noticed that I was looking at him looking at the girls. well they exchanged numbers and emails with promises to get in touch. well low and behold sunday night she came over here to the house after many converstaions with nina. she was dressed in a black p-leather dress with red frilly shit. and knee-cap high boots.

then Monday while at work I got a call from My bank asking Me if I was in Missouri over the weekend. apparently I got frauded for $659. then.... the brand new Nextel phone I have... well it ended up into a 5 gallon bucket of oil/tar paint we use for blacking out lines on the roads. UUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH well I got it out got it cleaned off with the help of My co-workers and it still worked except 2 keys. and stupid Me I never got the insurance. luckly one of the flaggers told Me that he could sell Me the same phone for $30. figured what the hell so he brought it in for Me tuesday after I went to the bank and got all My money back in My account. so finally things working out back to normal.
the rest of the week was ok except today... its raining out so I drove up to work just to hang out for couple hours till checks were avalible.
when I got home I got good/bad news. one of My ex-girlfriends has a little girl that we have both thought was mine but I still had a 1% doubt in My mind that she isnt. well.... paternity test results.... 99.99% shes Mine. Im happy about this but I know now her mother is going to want Me to spend $$$$$$ in child support for her. she wants more than what I pay now for My 2 boys. but I have to fight all this in court first.
and to this coming weekend....... some friends of Mine have invited Me and nina to join them at a Volunter's party for Black Rose. its big BDSM event outside DC. there will be plenty of kinksters to watch and maybe even have a few watch Me and nina do our thing too. Saturday marks 6 months since I collared her and made her My girl.
well enough for now.. sure your tired of reading about My life. what about yours???
btw Im so sorry to see Industrial Pet and Original Thought leave the site.
went out friday night with oldskoolpat to the "Classic" here in Dover. OMG we had a fucking blast. My girl was being wild as usual. hell nina even ran into one of her old school mates who was a stripper!!

Did anyone get a good spanking between the two girls?