crappy week !!!!!!!!
tuesday on way to work... had to detour 6 miles back cause of emregancy vehicles.... then that afternoon... My car died on way home! (^&$*%^#(&*%_&%&$(^%)_&%(&$*&^$%)&*^(^$ car. apparently the cam shaft for you who know anything about cars frooze up needless to say---- JUNKYARD bound for that thing. so Ive been bumbing rides from co-workers to get back and forth to work. then.... then.... today My boss tells Me there will be NO lay offs.UGHHHHHH can I ever get ahead?? now I have to stop and call some people back and let them know Im not gonna be able to help out with a few little projects when I expected to help them.
got letter from courts about the woman who hit Me... I have to go testify for the cop against this woman. now Ive been thinking and I need everyones input on this. my company did NOT have all safety precautions in place when this happened. also we are not suppose to be out there closing down lanes till 8:30am.... this happened at 8:18am. Im thinking Im gonna ask for My "safety inspector" for the company to be there.
should I turn the tables when I have to go to court onto My company?? after all its partly thier fault that I was hit.
not gonna be able to make the SGDE event
everything has to be on a weekday...... ugh. I have to work early mornings and it just dont jive with My schedule. I really want to meet some of those I talk with on here.
tuesday on way to work... had to detour 6 miles back cause of emregancy vehicles.... then that afternoon... My car died on way home! (^&$*%^#(&*%_&%&$(^%)_&%(&$*&^$%)&*^(^$ car. apparently the cam shaft for you who know anything about cars frooze up needless to say---- JUNKYARD bound for that thing. so Ive been bumbing rides from co-workers to get back and forth to work. then.... then.... today My boss tells Me there will be NO lay offs.UGHHHHHH can I ever get ahead?? now I have to stop and call some people back and let them know Im not gonna be able to help out with a few little projects when I expected to help them.
got letter from courts about the woman who hit Me... I have to go testify for the cop against this woman. now Ive been thinking and I need everyones input on this. my company did NOT have all safety precautions in place when this happened. also we are not suppose to be out there closing down lanes till 8:30am.... this happened at 8:18am. Im thinking Im gonna ask for My "safety inspector" for the company to be there.
should I turn the tables when I have to go to court onto My company?? after all its partly thier fault that I was hit.
not gonna be able to make the SGDE event

Poach away bro