tuesday on way to work... had to detour 6 miles back cause of emregancy vehicles.... then that afternoon... My car died on way home! (^&$*%^#(&*%_&%&$(^%)_&%(&$*&^$%)&*^(^$ car. apparently the cam shaft for you who know anything about cars frooze up needless to say---- JUNKYARD bound for that thing. so Ive been bumbing rides from co-workers to get back and forth to work. then....... Read More
well its been a screwed up week. most of you know tuesday was a rough day for me and of course it had to rain..... great.. sit home do nothing and get depressed. anyways thats over with for another year.
yesterday I got to work and come to find out everyone started at 6 instead of 7 and they even told the temp guy to... Read More
well thanks everyone for the comments about last weeks incident. got a phone message on My cell from the cop thats investigating the accident. only left that hes still investigating it. Im like what the fuck.... she was behind a closed lane of barrels which she drove right around and all our signs were up. its gotta be simple... she is in the wrong.. charge... Read More
Well I was thinking about you today. Hope you are feeling somewhat ok. Bills foot is so-so, thanks for asking. The dr is not thrilled with the progress. (the Tn trip didn't help) So he is starting at home exercises and will be on crutches a little longer. How is your son doing?
well.... kinda quick for Me to do an update.... but kinda had to after yesterdays events.
here I am at work on Papermill RD up in Newark. In the damn rain we had to work... that SUX!!! anyways make the best of it for the 4 day weekend. My boss tells Me to shut down this turn lane up at Corner Ketch RD. so I... Read More
well we can't all be SG's but yeah i think i should be one...i mean i'm not vain or egotistical but i do know that i have good ideas and photos..dammit i wish they would think that too! but really when all is said and done i don't care if i'm not a SG. I'm just happy i can still be me
hope you and nina are well i will be getting my wisdom teeth removed december 6 so i might go awol around then...just though a little heads up was in order
yet another week has gone by... wow. one more closer to lay off time. and I cannot believe Ive been on SG now for 3 months since I jsut got billed for next 3. think next time Im gonna pay for year. I love this place and all those whom I talk with.
nina went with Me to an archery shop that had a set... Read More
Oh I guess I made it sound like we were leaving today, but I was just wishing you a nice holiday a few days early. I am actually leaving on Thursday. Got a concert to go to on Wed. So how is that movie?
well its been a rough couple weeks. work is back breaking litterally. but this job I found out today is winding down fast... might be laid off by mid December WOOOOOHOOOO!!!!
not much else going on. spent this past weekend with My boys. we did archery both days. had lots of fun. I have to start here real soon making thier X-Mas presents. they both... Read More
not a whole lot happening around here. Just getting ready for Samhain. Just got a call from My oldest boy BJ {12} asking Me to join him and his brother Ricky {8} at Dover Mall for Halloween thing next Saturday night. Then after that I have a party with My local SCA group in Smyrna for celebration... Read More
well another weekend down... not much to say other than apparently I missed one hell of a good time at the bowling in baltimore event. I ended up staying home and shooting some archery here till about 11am saturday and then headed into Dover to drop some $ in the bank and then headed to the beach to eat dinner with nina's mom, step-dad, and... Read More