This past month I've been crazy busy with work, so apologies for the one blog since then. I've been thinking I want to travel during the summer but I've also been thinking that I want to move out of my parents house. I love my parents and they pay for a lot of things but I've come to a point where the house I live isn't a home to me anymore, it's merely a place where I sleep at night. At any rate I need to save money....I also need to pick out my classes for next semester....something I've been putting off for weeks now. I suppose a lot of decisions in my life are up in the air right now. I know I need to change things but I don't know how. Well from reading back what I've said thus far this blog has took a turn towards emo. *shudders* My brother left last night for Amarillo, Tx. and won't be back till New Years day. Speaking of New Years....I have no plans...and yeah. I'm a loser. Pft, I think I'll just get drunk. Anyway this blog is nothing more than random neurons firing off in my brain so I'm going to go do something productive.
Howdy gorgeous, you are no loser. That's fer damn sure!! I just hung out and watched Dexter for new years.

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