I'm sitting in one of the many computer labs here on campus. Woot... I'm not really sure what to say except I think I failed a Chemistry exam this morning
. I completely forgot about studying because somehow this huge exam was erased from my memory until a student class moderator handed me an exam as I walked into the room.
I have recently decided that I will be sleeping a whole lot more. I drank 4 Crunk energy drinks and then drank 4 beers, 2 jagerbombs and 2 glasses of Kentucky Bourbon (stupid, I know) the other night and about killed myself. Sunday morning I took an energy pill without having a single crumb in my stomach. During church (yes I go to church) I took wine and it totally fucked my stomach. My parents, sister and I went out for breakfast at Perkins or something and I was shaking hardcore. After I finished breakfast and went home for a nap I puked three times. I went to bed about one this morning and got up for school at 6:10am. I was falling asleep on the bus this morning so I drank a red bull. I felt so sick during the exam that I had to leave twice to throw up. So, in light of all this I am banning myself from all energy products.
Last night after I got off chat I got a phone call from Linzy. She was raging. The first words I heard after she said hello were ," Did you enjoy your date with Sarah on Sunday?" She always does this. Sunday night I asked her if she wanted to go to the Rose with Sarah and I and she said that she didn't feel good so she didn't want to. I offered to go over to her house and help nurse her back to health but she said to go out and enjoy myself. Ironic, I know. Her phone kept cutting out so I told her to come over so we could talk it over. We sat out on the porch and she continued to yell and then acused me of cheating on her with Sarah. I tried to explain to her that Sarah is nothing more than a friend and is straight, she didn't want to hear it. After about 30 minutes of this she finally calmed down and I realized that this relationship is based on nothing more than sex. I wanted so badly to tell her that I love her but I knew I couldn't. I told her I didn't want to be together anymore and she started crying. She was telling me how much she loves me and that she was sorry for getting jealous. This isn't the first time she's done that so I just sat and listened. When she was done talking long enough for me to say something I told her I was done. I walked her to her car kissed her on her forehead and went back inside. I think for now I should avoid relationships, they never turn out well.
I didn't cry at all after we broke up, call me heartless but I don't think that "relationship" deserved my tears.
Sorry that this blog is so
. I'm not really emo I just tend to write things that way.
P.S. Forrest Gump is awesome.
oh! and I want one of these:

I'm sitting in one of the many computer labs here on campus. Woot... I'm not really sure what to say except I think I failed a Chemistry exam this morning

I have recently decided that I will be sleeping a whole lot more. I drank 4 Crunk energy drinks and then drank 4 beers, 2 jagerbombs and 2 glasses of Kentucky Bourbon (stupid, I know) the other night and about killed myself. Sunday morning I took an energy pill without having a single crumb in my stomach. During church (yes I go to church) I took wine and it totally fucked my stomach. My parents, sister and I went out for breakfast at Perkins or something and I was shaking hardcore. After I finished breakfast and went home for a nap I puked three times. I went to bed about one this morning and got up for school at 6:10am. I was falling asleep on the bus this morning so I drank a red bull. I felt so sick during the exam that I had to leave twice to throw up. So, in light of all this I am banning myself from all energy products.
Last night after I got off chat I got a phone call from Linzy. She was raging. The first words I heard after she said hello were ," Did you enjoy your date with Sarah on Sunday?" She always does this. Sunday night I asked her if she wanted to go to the Rose with Sarah and I and she said that she didn't feel good so she didn't want to. I offered to go over to her house and help nurse her back to health but she said to go out and enjoy myself. Ironic, I know. Her phone kept cutting out so I told her to come over so we could talk it over. We sat out on the porch and she continued to yell and then acused me of cheating on her with Sarah. I tried to explain to her that Sarah is nothing more than a friend and is straight, she didn't want to hear it. After about 30 minutes of this she finally calmed down and I realized that this relationship is based on nothing more than sex. I wanted so badly to tell her that I love her but I knew I couldn't. I told her I didn't want to be together anymore and she started crying. She was telling me how much she loves me and that she was sorry for getting jealous. This isn't the first time she's done that so I just sat and listened. When she was done talking long enough for me to say something I told her I was done. I walked her to her car kissed her on her forehead and went back inside. I think for now I should avoid relationships, they never turn out well.
I didn't cry at all after we broke up, call me heartless but I don't think that "relationship" deserved my tears.
Sorry that this blog is so

P.S. Forrest Gump is awesome.

I don't like relationships.
I like chemestry.
You should pay more attention. You'd be able to find out why it is you were shaking so badly (as in actually understand it) and be able to still have a blast and stop shaking, throwing up, and vomiting all the time.
I don't like that you're going so overboard with the R&R.
I like you.
p.s. I go to church too....does the holy water boil with you too?