According to the doctor, it is very mild form of autism. The doctor stated it is quite treatable through mediciation and behavior medication. That is good. The doctor is an expert in the field but he costs me $160 an hour and my health insurance does not cover him! Ouch!
More Blogs
Thursday Sep 02, 2004
Tonight, I am headed off to Burning Man today This how is my day: … -
Wednesday Sep 01, 2004
I am right now in San Francisco headed to the Burning Man Festival. … -
Saturday Aug 28, 2004
There is nothing like a Black and Tan and football. They compliment … -
Wednesday Aug 25, 2004
SGLA looks like an imposing group to join. You have to attend one … -
Monday Aug 23, 2004
By the way, I am going to update that picture. I finally bought a dig… -
Saturday Aug 21, 2004
I have had bouts of indecisions for last several months. These bout… -
Wednesday Aug 18, 2004
My friend and I watched Kill Bill 1 and Kill Bill 2 in one sitting. … -
Saturday Aug 14, 2004
This weekend I saw the Bourne Supremacy. Compared to the James Bond… -
Wednesday Aug 11, 2004
So I decided to visit Burning Man. I am also going to visit San Fran… -
Sunday Aug 08, 2004
I just 21 Grams with Sean Penn. A very, very depressing movie. Sean P…