Last night, I went to a baseball game with my dad and endure a lecture from my father. It was long but it was full of useful advice that I need. My father isn't an easy person to have a conversation with. On many occasions, I have said something to him and he ignores it. He often yells and swears at me for petty things. His language tends to be vulgar at times. Yet, he is really concerned for me and deeply cares for me. He has been there through some difficult stages in my life and has supported me through the tough times.
Today, I have to endure a two-hour wedding today. My dad told me last night that it is a Catholic "high" mass. I usually have attended weddings at Protestant churches. Most services usually last about 45 to 65 minutes for a Protestant wedding except when a pastor decides to preach an excessively long sermon. However, Catholic weddings can be two hours of pomp and circumstances especially when a high mass is being celebrated. This should be a fun Saturday afternoon
Today, I have to endure a two-hour wedding today. My dad told me last night that it is a Catholic "high" mass. I usually have attended weddings at Protestant churches. Most services usually last about 45 to 65 minutes for a Protestant wedding except when a pastor decides to preach an excessively long sermon. However, Catholic weddings can be two hours of pomp and circumstances especially when a high mass is being celebrated. This should be a fun Saturday afternoon
You're lucky, imagine a Catholic Latin wedding