so I was let go last Saturday at the distillery. they let me and two other contract hires go. it was two days after my bday and a week before Christmas and a month and a half before my contract was up. turns out they were to cowardly to tell me why I was being let go. but! turns out it was because of a bigger Christmas bonus on their part. the less money spent budget wise before the years end the bigger the bonus.
all I can say is im very disappointed and that as much as I want to resort to physical violence I won't. all I can say is, im very much fighting the urge to look into black magic.
People like this need to be aware that karma will dry fuck them into their next pathetic life until they atone for being greedy soulless cunts.
I truly do hope they have nothing but misfortune and tragedy for the new year. two people for sure.
they actually said I did an amazing job and that there was no complaints. they could barely look me in the eyes.
on a happy note its almost Christmas and im enjoying this warm weather and spending time with my family.
to all my fellow members, I hope your holidays are wonderful and safe!!