Hey hey hey everyone! Ive been so bad at blogging, I'M SO SORRY! :c Ill try to get better, I promise!
Anymeows, What is up SuicideGirls?! How is your day going?
Ive had a pretty great day so far myself. The first day of October is coming to an end, but oh boy, was it a good day! I was just so happy and refreshed with the new month. So much going on in October for me! My boyfriend comes home from tour, I get to go see Alton Brown live and halloween, DUH! I might go to DisneyLand on halloween, or have a party at my families home or even just pass out candy! What will you be doing?
Well I haven't done any homework in a while so I'll tackle a few now! Thank you @rambo, @missy and @lyxzen for the suggestions! <3
8/28: Who is your celebrity spirit animal?
I thought about this a lot and I'm pretty sure it would be Kevin Smith. Love for comic books, food, hot babes and I think we have the same nose!
Haha he is pretty awesome, I really wish I could own a comic book show and write kick ass movies like he did though! One time in my high school drama class I got to reenact the scene from Clerks 2, when Bob screams at Jay and that was one of the best moments in high school for me, I got to call someone a Dumb Fuck.
9/18: What are you an expert in?
You could ask any of my friends, but I really know my Final Fantasy game series. I can say I am an expert in the games for sure! Ive beaten almost every single one now! I'm only missing Final Fantasy 1, 5 and 12! Ive played all the other ones! I can also include all of the seconds and off Final Fantasies! Like Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy 13.2 or Final Fantasy Dirge of Cerberus! That is to just name a few of the off games. As most of you know I chose my name Leviathan because of Final Fantasy! My favorite FF game is 7 and my favorite Esper/Summon Spirit would be Leviathan! I also LOVE Bahamutt but thats more of a boy name than Leviathan! Test me in trivia sometime on the games and lets see if I could answer some questions! (:
Well that is it for now! Hope you have a great day and enjoy some of these selfies Ive been saving for you Sg! <3