What. The. Fuck.
"Pine mouth". This is something I've never heard of before. But apparently Pine Nuts can leave your mouth with a bitter taste for days or weeks. Everything tastes fucking horrible now, thanks Pine Nuts.
Some back story: I had pesto for dinner two nights ago. Last night I thought I'd fucked up dinner cause everything tasted weird. Family said it was fine, was just me. This morning it is still there, so I Google "insect bite bitter taste in mouth" cause I have a bee sting on my hand, and it was the only thing I could think of. A ton of websites come up saying Pine Nuts can do this, so apparently my bee sting is just a coincidence, and I have stupid Pine Mouth.
In other less bitchy news, I finally processed the photos I did on Labor Day Weekend. It's not my Feral Ballerina, still model hunting for that one.
This is one of my favorite shots:

The rest are here if you're interested in seeing them: The Rest
"Pine mouth". This is something I've never heard of before. But apparently Pine Nuts can leave your mouth with a bitter taste for days or weeks. Everything tastes fucking horrible now, thanks Pine Nuts.
Some back story: I had pesto for dinner two nights ago. Last night I thought I'd fucked up dinner cause everything tasted weird. Family said it was fine, was just me. This morning it is still there, so I Google "insect bite bitter taste in mouth" cause I have a bee sting on my hand, and it was the only thing I could think of. A ton of websites come up saying Pine Nuts can do this, so apparently my bee sting is just a coincidence, and I have stupid Pine Mouth.
In other less bitchy news, I finally processed the photos I did on Labor Day Weekend. It's not my Feral Ballerina, still model hunting for that one.
This is one of my favorite shots:

The rest are here if you're interested in seeing them: The Rest
If nothing else it is turning into an effective diet since everything tastes like shit!