Pictures and Screenplays and Comics oh my!
I have a photo shoot planned this weekend - not for SG or anything. Great outdoors location, working on wardrobe and look for it now. This is easily the hardest part of a photo shoot for me. The location is great, the model is awesome, but I have the fashion sense of a gnat and so I struggle with trying to come up with the right wardrobe for a shoot. I had an old girlfriend once tell me that I "don't dress, I put on clothes". I hate to admit it, she might be right.
I've got two screenplays done for a contest, co-written with an old friend. Both are horror themed, because, well that's the theme of the contest. Another guy also wants my help writing yet a third for this contest, and I said sure, but I think I might have pissed off my aforementioned co-writer, since anything else I'd do would be competing against his and my works. Oops.
And comics. My grandiose plans for an online, film noir type comic have hit a stumbling block. A plot. If you have one hanging around that you're not using, I could use it.
I have a photo shoot planned this weekend - not for SG or anything. Great outdoors location, working on wardrobe and look for it now. This is easily the hardest part of a photo shoot for me. The location is great, the model is awesome, but I have the fashion sense of a gnat and so I struggle with trying to come up with the right wardrobe for a shoot. I had an old girlfriend once tell me that I "don't dress, I put on clothes". I hate to admit it, she might be right.
I've got two screenplays done for a contest, co-written with an old friend. Both are horror themed, because, well that's the theme of the contest. Another guy also wants my help writing yet a third for this contest, and I said sure, but I think I might have pissed off my aforementioned co-writer, since anything else I'd do would be competing against his and my works. Oops.
And comics. My grandiose plans for an online, film noir type comic have hit a stumbling block. A plot. If you have one hanging around that you're not using, I could use it.