It's been a while. Let's pretend I've been really busy and not just procrastinating.
The Alt.Genius.Thinktank is meeting on Friday. That's myself and a group of friends. We're having a brainstorming/drinking session to plan and sketch our entry for the Red Bull Flugtag
We've never entered before, and not all entries are accepted so the pressure is on, but I think I have some awesome...
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The Alt.Genius.Thinktank is meeting on Friday. That's myself and a group of friends. We're having a brainstorming/drinking session to plan and sketch our entry for the Red Bull Flugtag
We've never entered before, and not all entries are accepted so the pressure is on, but I think I have some awesome...
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Running is not going so well, I think I need to slow down a little. I'm trying to run like I used to, and it is making me sick. I'll run and then feel like shit the rest of the night and the next day. So starting today, I am going to take it a little slower.
In other Great News(tm) the balance on one...
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In other Great News(tm) the balance on one...
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I'm fat.
I'm not saying it as some kind of plea for positive affirmation. It's just a fact. I'm not morbidly obese, but 20 lbs ago I was thinking I needed to lose a little weight. So now I am 244 lbs, and really should be around 200.
My solution to this? I've signed up for a half marathon with a work buddy. It's on...
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I'm not saying it as some kind of plea for positive affirmation. It's just a fact. I'm not morbidly obese, but 20 lbs ago I was thinking I needed to lose a little weight. So now I am 244 lbs, and really should be around 200.
My solution to this? I've signed up for a half marathon with a work buddy. It's on...
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Been too long since I blogged, but I am still alive I swear.
2010 has been busy, but also not very motivated. I did some more pictures for my book last night, a guy that has a tattoo that says "He plays with fire" (in Arabic) and he's a glassblower. Got some aweseome shots, I think. I guess I'll have to wait to hear from...
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2010 has been busy, but also not very motivated. I did some more pictures for my book last night, a guy that has a tattoo that says "He plays with fire" (in Arabic) and he's a glassblower. Got some aweseome shots, I think. I guess I'll have to wait to hear from...
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Good luck with everything!
How was The Book of Eli? I would looove to see that! I recently saw The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus and it blew my mind! I think I will have to see it again.
How was The Book of Eli? I would looove to see that! I recently saw The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus and it blew my mind! I think I will have to see it again.
freakin a awesome!!!! hope this year is awesome for you!
December's been crazy, but also crazy good.
I have family in town right now and no time to sit in front of a computer at all. I snuck away for a few minutes to do my banking and pay some bills and thought I'd sneak online.
Real post coming in January, in the meantime: HAPPY CHRISTMAS everyone. For those who don't celebrate Christmas, have a...
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I have family in town right now and no time to sit in front of a computer at all. I snuck away for a few minutes to do my banking and pay some bills and thought I'd sneak online.
Real post coming in January, in the meantime: HAPPY CHRISTMAS everyone. For those who don't celebrate Christmas, have a...
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You always seem to manage to sneak away to the computer somehow. ;^)
Enjoy time with your family and try not to go too crazy!!! =^P
Enjoy time with your family and try not to go too crazy!!! =^P
Hey there!
Eve-a is doing fabulous! She goes in for her last and final treatment this coming Monday and then after this month we can start walking her again!!! I am so happy with how well she has handled the treatment.
Thak you for asking.

Eve-a is doing fabulous! She goes in for her last and final treatment this coming Monday and then after this month we can start walking her again!!! I am so happy with how well she has handled the treatment.

Thanksgiving week. What's everyone's plans?
I'm cooking Thanksgiving Dinner for my girlfriend's family (my family is far far away). It's small, only 5 of us, but still, it is all on me, and this is the first year her grandma isn't doing it, so I feel a little pressure. To that end we're going simple and traditional:
Turkey (haven't decided if to brine it or...
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I'm cooking Thanksgiving Dinner for my girlfriend's family (my family is far far away). It's small, only 5 of us, but still, it is all on me, and this is the first year her grandma isn't doing it, so I feel a little pressure. To that end we're going simple and traditional:
Turkey (haven't decided if to brine it or...
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thank's for your comment on my set
Never underestimate the mullet. I'm not a huge gootball fan, but this is just too awesome.
Ya know, not everyone can rocketh the mullet...He's no exception although I give him an E for effort.

Eve-a is responding well to the treatment so far. Thanks for asking.

I got a new laptop for work. Good.
It's a lot faster than my old one and I can finally be productive.. Good.
It has a bigger screen then the old laptop. Good.
I sit with my back to a busy walkway at work. Bad.
My new laptop doesn't have a privacy screen cause the one from the old laptop won't fit. Bad.
I can't...
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It's a lot faster than my old one and I can finally be productive.. Good.
It has a bigger screen then the old laptop. Good.
I sit with my back to a busy walkway at work. Bad.
My new laptop doesn't have a privacy screen cause the one from the old laptop won't fit. Bad.
I can't...
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Thank You for the support, I hope she handles this treatment alright.
I see you snuck onto the website again.
I see you snuck onto the website again.

bob: RULE!
Halloween was decent, I didn't do anything really. Took the kid trick or treating, she dressed up as Harley Quinn from the Batman comics. After that finished a book I was reading and crashed. I must be getting old.
National Novel Writing Month is November, the challenge, if you don't know, is to write 50,000 words all in the month of November. I have about...
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National Novel Writing Month is November, the challenge, if you don't know, is to write 50,000 words all in the month of November. I have about...
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Wow, sounds like a very cool challenge, good luck!
The girlfriend and I are playing Left 4 Dead 1 pretty much nightly. We don't play online, just coop, but if anyone interested add me as a friend: Pastafari
I cant give too many details but I will say its going to be a Bukowski quote with some traditional images....