So a few days ago my right ear started bothering me and was uncomfortable almost like a big zit was inside my ear canal. It gradually got worse and it seemed like an ear infection so I went to the doc and he took a look at it and asked me if I had been camping recently or traveling outside the city. I said no, but told him I went hiking a few weekends ago. He said that he could see something that looked like an insect in my ear, but that he was going to try to get it out with the help of his assistant. He tried sticking some tweezers in my ear and eventually he said that no, it wasnt an insect but just a bad infection and some weirdly fluorescent colored pus or something. Phew, I thought. Then he said that it looked like my eardrum was ruptured. Fuck. He referred my to an ear, nose and throat doctor and the next day the ENT cleaned out my ear and discovered an insect leg. Holy shit.
So the good news is that my eardrum is fine. The dead insect's leg was probably casting a shadow on my eardrum that made it look like it was ruptured. It isnt. YAY! The bad news I have to worry about MOTHER FUCKING bugs crawling into my ears! (Sorry if this gives you nightmares)