of the caribbean. god i love johnny depp. and that girl in the movie...omg...so effin hot.
*sang karaoke this weekend...my friends got wasted...one found a golf bag...and someone got sick
*went shopping and didnt buy anything. amazing.
*got treated to dinner...which is always nice.
*i get to doggiesit tomorrow...point isabelle, here we come. i am so excited, you dont even know.
*i have a pinched nerve in my neck. every movement hurts.
a friend was sweet enough to go to the store to get me a heating pad and bring it over on her bike. but later she got drunk and puked in my toilet and then her boy had to come pick her up.
*i had a good weekend despite my neck going out on me.
*im going to go lay down and watch tv now.

*sang karaoke this weekend...my friends got wasted...one found a golf bag...and someone got sick
*went shopping and didnt buy anything. amazing.
*got treated to dinner...which is always nice.
*i get to doggiesit tomorrow...point isabelle, here we come. i am so excited, you dont even know.
*i have a pinched nerve in my neck. every movement hurts.

*i had a good weekend despite my neck going out on me.
*im going to go lay down and watch tv now.

You rock. That is all.