yesterday was wonderful. maya, leslie, sean, and my new neighbor, loriel, drove up to bolinas. the sun was shining, the sky was blue, the sand was warm, and the beers were cold. i had never been to bolinas before, it was gorgeous. watched all the sexy surfers riding the waves, i forgot how much i loved surfers. got to see lots of happy doggies frolick along the beach. it has been a long time since i have been to the beach, so it was a very enjoyable day. we even saw a sea lion chillin in the water very close to shore. if the water wasnt so cold, i would have tried to swim out to him. we even saw a girl run in topless, wearing a pair of dickies and a beanie. haha. it was cute. there was also some suspicious young girl asleep not too far away from us. we werent sure if she was dead or alive for a while. she had on a short plaid skirt, thigh highs, boots, and a sweater. not your average beach apparel. she was just dead asleep on the sand, no blanket or anything. then all of a sudden she woke up, fixed her makeup and walked away. it was very amusing, but bizarre.
after the beach we drove back to town and had a gigantic sushi dinner...yummy. and then some of us ended up hanging out and talking most of the night until we crashed out. this morning we woke up and went to the little ethiopian cafe for breakfast. a little skeptical at first, but it was very yummy.
i love days like this. good company and good conversation. good times. now im off to take my neighbor to do some laundry. its nice to have a friend live within walking distance again.

i think i am obsessed with muppet things. i've been thinkingin terms of puppets for the past couple of weeks. trying to perfect a puppet voice and walk. yeah.
the beach sounds lovely.