wel ive jus had a bad bloody week. I was single for a yr and finally got with somone in December, shes gorgeous in my opinion but why is it every girl im with wants to head fuck me, and why do i feel bad when i know im in the right.
god damnit haha im such a clown moaning at crap like that on here.
Ive stil not found another job ,ah well im gonna have to get off me fat backside and come out to one of these meets im a bit dubious cos of travel and gettin bk and ive never been to london
hope your all keeping well

god damnit haha im such a clown moaning at crap like that on here.
Ive stil not found another job ,ah well im gonna have to get off me fat backside and come out to one of these meets im a bit dubious cos of travel and gettin bk and ive never been to london

I just checked out your set, pretty cute stuff

Yeah, put up another suicide boy set and you'll feel aaaaaaalllllllllll better
(or at least I will!!)