with such united as these
that gale hours twilight spent, in guilts eyes
with a casual reassurance only a mother can boast
with the domineering love and joy that only a mother can feel
what is this power that lays before my hands
that eats at sodden feet and drags bodies empty in enchantment and woe
that vomits in the black sky
its secrets exposed and as deaf as the sound of pain in a shodden mind
O power and grace
that i take from thee
that lead me in teh finest hour
abdandoning sensibility and lament that taps on faiths door
through wooden hands and worn souls
that the precipice of life alone
begins with the patience of death alone
but who is to know the secrets inside you
until they are so blinded by you that
thought and belief exist no more !
but are choked and overwhlemed by love and honor
power that is unmatched and heaven scorn to take such selfish tone
and break them evermore
and judge me valiant one,
with your justice, perfect as the somber sky can see
adorned with pigment through and through
that darken and fill with honey and rotten mushroom
across the floor and across my brain
and tonight will i not be the same
no, tonight i will not be the same
for things shall pass and others die and others born again
and i will pass on
i will die
and be yet born again
that gale hours twilight spent, in guilts eyes
with a casual reassurance only a mother can boast
with the domineering love and joy that only a mother can feel
what is this power that lays before my hands
that eats at sodden feet and drags bodies empty in enchantment and woe
that vomits in the black sky
its secrets exposed and as deaf as the sound of pain in a shodden mind
O power and grace
that i take from thee
that lead me in teh finest hour
abdandoning sensibility and lament that taps on faiths door
through wooden hands and worn souls
that the precipice of life alone
begins with the patience of death alone
but who is to know the secrets inside you
until they are so blinded by you that
thought and belief exist no more !
but are choked and overwhlemed by love and honor
power that is unmatched and heaven scorn to take such selfish tone
and break them evermore
and judge me valiant one,
with your justice, perfect as the somber sky can see
adorned with pigment through and through
that darken and fill with honey and rotten mushroom
across the floor and across my brain
and tonight will i not be the same
no, tonight i will not be the same
for things shall pass and others die and others born again
and i will pass on
i will die
and be yet born again