my dog is using me as a pillow at the moment and he is passed the fuck out. i feel like i can't move (because he's so warm and cute and i don't want to disturb him), so i'm stuck lounging on my couch with my laptop resting on my legs in front of his face. so i guess its the perfect time for an update...
long ass post...
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
i started my first day at starbucks, which was just the beginning of training called first impressions. so far i'm in love with the place and i can't wait to actually start working. not sure if thats due to how much i hated my previous job or if starbucks really is that awsome. i'm leaning towards it actually being that awsome at the moment.
another girl started same time as me and we got to talking and it turns out we have similar musical interests, plus she's covered in tattoos so we started talking ink and showing each other what we were hiding under our uniforms (since starbucks requires all piercings to be taken out and all tats to be covered up, the only downside to the job so far). turns out we both have "love will tear us apart" lyrics tattooed on us. yay for joy division fans!
i also got to officially quit pizza hut yesterday. i came straight from my first day at starbucks and told my ex-manager that i quit, effective immediatly. and i think it was a nice extra dig at him having my lip ring out, because i always refused to take it out for pizza hut. (they only enforced the no piercings rule when corporate people were in the store, and i wasn't getting a retainer and getting my cbr taken out just for when our store was having inspections.)
on wed i went down to the pub on i-drive to watch the arsenal game with my roommate. arsenal won, but uneventful game. we had to watch it on a little television with no sound in a corner b/c there was a chelsea game on and it is a chelsea pub. we were near the owners table though, and he was there with all his brit firiends supporting chelsea and giving us shit for not watching the real game. i was glad we ran into him though b/c i had to let him know that the finishing touches were being made editing wise on the documentary he helped me out with and that i'd get him a dvd of it as soon as it was finished. everyone there seems excited to see it, i can't wait to show it to them.
and now tonight, i guess i'm going out with my roommate b/c she wants to be more social and that means going out to a club tonite. i'm not really sure i'm in the mood. not really being a club going type mixed with not being able to drink at the club is giving me some doubts about the whole idea. plus i have to get up kinda early for a starbucks class tomorrow... well i guess we'll see. hopefully it will be kind of fun and not just hanging around akwardly wishing i was at home.
also i've been thinking a lot about trying to do another set. not sure though. i had fun shooting my first one even though it got turned down (but it did get me this account free for a year!) only thing is if i do another one i need to find a better photographer. the jackass friend of mine who i had shoot me i don't want shooting me again. if only i could shoot it, it would look fucking great...