my allergies are killing me
I was social last night and it made me realize how long it's been since i've really gotten out and been with more than one or two people.
it was pretty fun.
now i'm going to a pow wow.

I was social last night and it made me realize how long it's been since i've really gotten out and been with more than one or two people.
it was pretty fun.
now i'm going to a pow wow.

is this your inner dude ? or are you really some guy;s feminine side ?
have fun pow-wowing!
as far as me having a feminine side, oh totally. as far as her having a masculine side, i have no idea. i'm the one who grew up around girls and played house and made necklaces out of beads and whatnot. not too much machismo going on.
i gotta get back to an anklet i'm working on. seeya.