hmmm...time to update!
where to begin i been gone and im back so that is good i guess i dont really think anyone cared too much but if anyone did i am here! well i got a new place to live that is why i was not here 4 a while this is my 1st time living on my own like with my own place to myself and i must say it is really fuckin sweet!! i dont have pics cuz i dont got me a fancy digi cam but i am in the process of stealing my bro's.*shhh he has no clue* my dad bought me this pimp ass red microfiber couch it is the bomb i <3 it !
its looks similar to this but mine is way better just for the simple fact that i own it.
i just cut off most of my beautiful hair that i loved sooooo sooo much i had to my work was flippin out becuz it was always in my eyes and it was gettin a lil bit outta control but i miss it.
i immediately regreted my decision but oh well it is hair it will come back. i just have to look like a backstreet boy for awhile.
im happy!
tonight Glorybox is comming over to my place to watch a movie im stoked it will be the 1st time she gets to check my new pad.
i guess that is it for now i will try to get pics of my place and my new stoopid hair for everyone to laugh at.
till next time
peace out Napoleon!
where to begin i been gone and im back so that is good i guess i dont really think anyone cared too much but if anyone did i am here! well i got a new place to live that is why i was not here 4 a while this is my 1st time living on my own like with my own place to myself and i must say it is really fuckin sweet!! i dont have pics cuz i dont got me a fancy digi cam but i am in the process of stealing my bro's.*shhh he has no clue* my dad bought me this pimp ass red microfiber couch it is the bomb i <3 it !
its looks similar to this but mine is way better just for the simple fact that i own it.

i just cut off most of my beautiful hair that i loved sooooo sooo much i had to my work was flippin out becuz it was always in my eyes and it was gettin a lil bit outta control but i miss it.

im happy!

i guess that is it for now i will try to get pics of my place and my new stoopid hair for everyone to laugh at.
till next time
peace out Napoleon!