welcome to the journal de lessthanpunc..... well its monday god how this day always has its special lil way of makin itself crappy. no actually this one was doin good went to work late like normal cuz i was too sleepy to get up on time and work was kinda slow so i got to fuck off alot and recover from a weekend of endless drinkin.
so as for the weekend it was fun as shit i got retarded wasted all weekend long. i went to salisbury university (near ocean city maryland for those who dont know) i have a bunch of friends that go there and as alot of us know it is time to go back... so my friend gilly has this phat ass like frat house but it is not really a frat just people gettin wasted and assin out mostly. i left on fri and was greeted by gil with a nice fresh beer bong as soon as i got outta my car mmmm beer bong
soon after that was jeager bomb city with a lil beer pong on the side.. saturday was much of the same with the exception that i started at 9:30 am drinkin not in the afternoon. so of course on sunday i felt shitty all day but hey what was i too expect i partied like a rock star
i changed my profile pic today cuz of stupid Glorybox she is always yellin at me "you got to change your profile pic it does not even look like u, u are not smiling and u always smile so change it" so i broke down and did it even tho i look stoned or retarded but hey i always look like a tard so WTF!?!?

so as for the weekend it was fun as shit i got retarded wasted all weekend long. i went to salisbury university (near ocean city maryland for those who dont know) i have a bunch of friends that go there and as alot of us know it is time to go back... so my friend gilly has this phat ass like frat house but it is not really a frat just people gettin wasted and assin out mostly. i left on fri and was greeted by gil with a nice fresh beer bong as soon as i got outta my car mmmm beer bong

soon after that was jeager bomb city with a lil beer pong on the side.. saturday was much of the same with the exception that i started at 9:30 am drinkin not in the afternoon. so of course on sunday i felt shitty all day but hey what was i too expect i partied like a rock star

i changed my profile pic today cuz of stupid Glorybox she is always yellin at me "you got to change your profile pic it does not even look like u, u are not smiling and u always smile so change it" so i broke down and did it even tho i look stoned or retarded but hey i always look like a tard so WTF!?!?

And i wasnt really "shocked" by your comment, just surprised.