YAY christmas is over 4 another year. I feel like shit i was so poor this year i so was not able to get people all the gifts i would have liked to but i did what i could... i got an ipod hooray
man they are soo the greatest invention of our time i love music sooo much and this thing make it so easy 4 me to have all my music with me at all times.... my mom who rocks btw gave me money to finish my skull and crossbones tattoo on my knee cap im so happy i need to get it finished asap...also i streched my ears to 6 gauges again i love them mmmm heavy metal in my ears feels great
any way i wish everyone a happy and safe new years no DUI's=dialing under the influence

any way i wish everyone a happy and safe new years no DUI's=dialing under the influence

happy new year
emmit otter is the most bizarre marxist allegory i have ever witnessed.