Summer is in full swing and i would like to think that is why i have been so lazy and not as active on the site. i definitely find time to enjoy the photosets and comment a bit in group threads but i have definitely been slacking on the rest of it. despite the slow down i am totally still like a kid in a candy shop to see if there are any notifications when i sign on and love to see whats new. one of these days i will get off my ass and perhaps post some pics etc and really round out the account. participating in the site has been so much fun since i started taking an active interest in things rather than just creeping. i hope that as the summer winds down and i have more time to chill inside and cruise the web i will ramp up a bit more on the posts etc and get back into posting more comments, all positive ones, to the lovely ladies who share their pics with us every day. that is the one thing i kind of miss taking the time for but i will definitely make more of an effort but there are some exquisite sets going up and it is a shame not to say good job. well i have to flip the laundry over and about 100 other tasks this evening but good night to everyone and hopefully i can chat again soon.