so part question and part comment. commenting on sets is now alot of fun. it is usually just a fast line saying it was cool or i enjoyed it and often times i try to tie in a little humour related to the title or subject. one thing i am not sure of is how the models feel about comments that go do the level of describing an enjoyment of certain body parts, ie, your nipples are out of this world, or i loved the shot of your vagina in that pose? i love these sets now for more than just a naked woman but there is always that carnal instinct to just say how much you love their bodies. i guess it is a balancing act and if anyone had some insight on what they like to hear or say then that gives a bit more of a guideline to being fun, truthful and yet not crossing lines into creepy and rude.
I never go to the extent of exactitude but definitely comment "perfect boobies" or something in that line when I see perfect boobs..
I agree with @panther289 as well. Personally it depends on the level of the comment. If someone's like hey nice boobs or nice ass I clearly expect that. If someone's like I'd love to bend you over and... then that's just going too far. I really cringe when I get those over the line comments. I appreciate the fact you're even mentioning it. Also thanks for the love on my set 💕